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LibreTime 3.0.0 alpha 1

This version was released the 2017-04-20.


Please report new issues and/or feature requests in the issue tracker.

Join our discourse or chat with us on our mattermost if you need help and for general discussion.

The full tarball for the 3.0.0-alpha.1 release of LibreTime is available here.

πŸš€ Features​

  • Make overriding of album tag in downloaded Podcasts configurable
  • Configurable master and show sources in settings
  • Version check on main interface against Github
  • updated i18n strings (complete ru_RU translation)
  • Allow closing "Scheduled Shows" tab in Showbuilder
  • FreeIPA Auth Adaptor

πŸ› Bug fixes​

  • Use restart=always in systemd installs
  • Do not depend on hardcoded admin password for autoplaylist feature
  • more legacy upstream branding removal
  • restore table settings (ie. columns and sort) on login
  • translatable radio page
  • line-in recording almost works again
  • no more oopsing on week info API

πŸ”₯ Deprecation and removal​

  • The ubuntu Vagrant box has been replaced with ubuntu-xenial and ubuntu-trusty. The debian box has been replaced with debian-jessie and debian-wheezy. Users of the old boxes should switch to a new box so we can drop the old box after this release.

⚠️ Known issues​

The following issues need a workaround for the time being. Please search the issues before reporting problems not listed below.

Outdated silan reports unreliable cue in/out information​

Out of the box the installer installs a broken, outdated version of silan on all Debian based Platforms (ie. Ubuntu). This affects all distros supported by the installer except CentOS which does not have upstream packages and you may either install from source or use the 0.3.3 packages from RaBe APEL.

You can check the version of silan by running with silan --version which should report 0.3.3 or with sudo dpkg -s silan | awk '/Version/ {print $2}' that will show the exact package version you installed. Please include this information if you file bugs concerning silan.

There are multiple workarounds to this issue and a bug against the upstream has been opened with Debian. Until this is sorted you should pre-install silan from a source you trust. If your distro has not updated to 0.3.3 yet you can also help by asking your distros maintainers for a bump.

The following solutions have been reported to work.

Silan from OBS build (​

Works for all relevant Debian and Ubuntu distros and installs silan 0.3.3~nmu1.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https

# install package signing key from obs
wget -qO- \
| apt-key add -

# add OBS repo to sources list (pick the distro you need)

# Debian Wheezy
echo 'deb ./' \
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare_silan.list
# Debian Jessie
echo 'deb ./' \
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare_silan.list
# Ubuntu Trusty
echo 'deb ./' \
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare_silan.list
# Ubuntu Xenial
echo 'deb ./' \
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hairmare_silan.list

# update local package database
apt-get update

# install silan 0.3.3 from obs packages
apt-get install silan

Legacy upstream silan packages (​

Legacy Upstream hosts patched packages for Ubuntu Trusty on They install as 0.3.2~trusty~sfo-1.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https

sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list <<EOD
deb trusty main

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sourcefabric-keyring
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --reinstall silan=0.3.2~trusty~sfo-1